Billboard magazine is a weekly American magazine, and is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world. I really like the colour scheme that is used it is instantly eye-catching. I like how the 'Billboard' title is behind the band. This is not set out like a conventional music magazine instead they main headline is in the centered and in a low position but this still works for the magazine and grabs the right attentions. The font used is clear and understandable.
Here is a contetns page, i chose this to analyse becuase i really like the layout and simplicty of it. The contents title is small but is eye-catching. The use of images instead of fully textual based content makes to contents page more fun and ejoyable to read. There is a larger image used of a woman this may be a main feature of the magazine so they are just advertising the feature more. There is clear separtation between the text this allows it to be more easy to follow. A limited colour pallet has been used by only using three colours, blue, balck and white. the white background allows the text to stand out better, again creating an easy to read contents page. The only thing that I don't like about this contents page is how small the content page numbers are, i would make these bigger to create an even easier layout.
Textual Anaylsis 3
Here is a contetns page, i chose this to analyse becuase i really like the layout and simplicty of it. The contents title is small but is eye-catching. The use of images instead of fully textual based content makes to contents page more fun and ejoyable to read. There is a larger image used of a woman this may be a main feature of the magazine so they are just advertising the feature more. There is clear separtation between the text this allows it to be more easy to follow. A limited colour pallet has been used by only using three colours, blue, balck and white. the white background allows the text to stand out better, again creating an easy to read contents page. The only thing that I don't like about this contents page is how small the content page numbers are, i would make these bigger to create an even easier layout.
Textual Anaylsis 3

There is a main housestyle of the the colour pink, pink connotates love, purity, compassion and happiness. The magazine has many cover lines, creating the sense that this magazine is loaded with information
I would say that this magazine has a cross genre, by having different varities of arists that are featured on this magazine, like rock and rap arists. The coverlines stand out because the are large, clear and white, and it all works well against the pink. The text varies from large to small and bold, this different varities of text allows the text to be more appealing to the reader. The use of bubbles is is used as a theme for this front cover, we can see bubbles in the background and a bubble outfit is worn by Lady Gaga. Behind her here is a light shining creating a lit silhoette, this light could also represent her importance in the music industry. I recognised that the simpicity of the whole front cover and the simplicty of Lady Gaga's outfit could represent each other, therefore I understand that for some magazines they will tend to match and have a representation for everything, right down to the lipstick. Lady Gaga also has pink lipstick on.
I- The institution for this magazine is Wenner Media, the publication has covered music and pop culture for more than four decades. Wenner Media operates websites for its magazines as well. Rollingstone magazine is a biweekly seller, and costs £3.99, again this is expensive for a magazine but the price reflects the quality. As this magazine is a bi-weekly it can be affored by a large target audience.
I- The ideology for this magazine is
A- The audience for Rollingstone magazine is for people that are interested in music pop, and can be in the C1 - E socio-economic group. I believe becuase this magazine has been around for many decades an older generation may buy this magazine as it may be a magazine they bought when they were younger. Rollingstone magazine is aimed for both Female and male genders. There is no particular social group.
R- I think that Rollingstone magazine creates a positive message for diversity in the pop industry, Lady Gaga is one of a kind, and someone who isnt a stereotype of anyone else. This therefore, especially for a younger age generation to think positive that it is ok to be different. The pink colouring of the mgazine suggests a blubbly and fun type of artists and gives us a representation of how people expect Lady Gaga to act. Rollingstone magazine has a larger demographic that other pop magazines, as it featires a wider variety of varies music, from rock to rap music. This allows this magazine to be target varities of people.
Contents Page Analysis
Double Page Spread Analysis Although this is not the correct double page spread for the feature of Lady Gaga in Rollingstone magazine, I have chosen this double page spread. It is obvious that in most magazines there is a constant house style from the front cover to the double page spread. This is useful for when i start to design both.
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