L- Q magazine has a wider range for the music genre, for example Metal Hammer magazine has one identity of music genre. The masthead is a large Q, I would say that this masthead is very simple compared to mastheads on other magazines, but the simplicity works for the magazine and still creates a large impact for the audience as it is attention grabbing. The masthead background is in the colour red, red normally connotates negativity like danger, blood or emergency but in this case I believe it the connotations are energy, lust and power. The body language of Cheryl creates a sexual tension between the reader and the magazine, again drawing the viewer in. The main image is a close up camera shot, a close up shot may be something I will use when creating my magazine as I believe it creates a larger impact and it is clearer. The colour red is continually used throughout this front cover, like the red text, this allows a continual house style. The masthead is positioned in a left third, this is used as magazines are stacked, and the masthead is still visible. The masthead is above the main image, creating the sense that the visibility of the masthead is more important than the image, but this also could of been done because it is such a simple masthead that it needs to be laid out above the main image so that it is clear to the viewer what magazine it is. The letter Q is in the colour white, white is a continual colour used throughout this front page.
The main headline is red and white, and superimposed onto the main image. The text colour stands out against the dimmer, muted background. The starp line across the top of the page is used for anchorage to draw the audience in, kind of like a message to the viewers. The fonts used are all similar therefore helping establish a house style. I really like how the magazine has laid out one of the cover lines, with the varieties of re sized text, this is used to so that one cover line does not take up a lot of the limited space. This is definitely something I will consider when creating my magazine, it looks stylish and modern. A puff is used on this magazine on the right side of the magazine to advertise; from the description it is advertising a feature for the next magazine. The house style of the magazine is red, black and white. The harshness of the main image is quite creepy, as if they want to convey a 'dead' look for Cheryl.
I- The institution for this magazine is Bauer media, this institution produces radio, T.V and websites too. Q magazine has a radio station and a website which will draw in a larger demographic for the magazine, allowing more money to be made for the magazine. Q magazine is a monthly magazine, therefore a larger and more informative news that's happened month to month, monthly magazines can be put off as the news inside could be old. The price of Q magazine is £3.99, this is expensive for a magazine but the price reflects the quality. The price is normally influenced by the target audience, for example this is an expensive magazine but for a monthly basis can be afforded by even the younger generation with not a lot of money.
I- The ideology of this magazine is
A- The audience for Q magazine would be for people interested in pop music, and in the C2 - E socio-economic group, this can also be known as a niche audience there is clear separation between audiences. The age will probably be between 15-35 year old, Q magazine has has many different varieties of music artists with a large age range therefore anyone could essentially read this magazine. Q magazine is aimed for both females and males.
R- I think that Q magazine portrays a positive message, but this can be said for any magazine sold on the shelves in shops. I believe that this main image of Cheryl portrays a desirable message and aspirational morals. Synergy is used to sell the artist, any upcoming events, tours or album releases in the magazine this is returned by the artists selling the magazine mainly because of their popularity with world.
I- The ideology of this magazine is
A- The audience for Q magazine would be for people interested in pop music, and in the C2 - E socio-economic group, this can also be known as a niche audience there is clear separation between audiences. The age will probably be between 15-35 year old, Q magazine has has many different varieties of music artists with a large age range therefore anyone could essentially read this magazine. Q magazine is aimed for both females and males.
R- I think that Q magazine portrays a positive message, but this can be said for any magazine sold on the shelves in shops. I believe that this main image of Cheryl portrays a desirable message and aspirational morals. Synergy is used to sell the artist, any upcoming events, tours or album releases in the magazine this is returned by the artists selling the magazine mainly because of their popularity with world.
Contents Page Analysis

I- see cover analysis for institution
I- see cover analysis for ideology
A- see cover analysis for audience
R-This contents page creates a laid back feel, its not in your face with loads of images and text, it is simple and modern and does it's job of informing the viewer. The image of the band creates a sense
Double Page Spread Analysis
L - This double page spread consists of one large main image that is stretched across from the corner of one page across to the other page. The image of Billie Joe is the main focal point of this page, he is centered therefore this is the first thing looked at by the viewer the camera shot is a live shot, this shot influences the how the viewer feels. Billy Joe look dedicated you can see the passion just from this one image. The layout of this page consists of one large headline that is separated in the same width so that it stretches across the whole page. The head line 'American Idols' also consists of the stretched over two page layout, each letter is equally spaced in width creating a sense of consistency equal proportion.
Q's ident once again has been included, again creating consistency and allowing identity. A small section of white text has been included by being superimposed onto the main image, the white text stands out from the darker background main image. This page has two block sections of text going down the right hand side of the page.
I- see cover analysis for institution
I- see cover analysis for ideology
A- see cover analysis for audience
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